In 2001, T-LINK organized the transport of a system from Friedrichshafen to Sandu, China via Rotterdam. Take a look at the pre-transport with a semi-trailer in this video excerpt.
In 2001, T-LINK organized the transport of a system from Friedrichshafen to Sandu, China via Rotterdam. Take a look at the pre-transport with a semi-trailer in this video excerpt.
At the request of several UN organizations, non-governmental organizations and the ICRC, Switzerland chartered a cargo plane. The aid transport to Venezuela was organized by T-LINK.
From transporting, to packing at the Rhine port and loading onto the barge: follow our combined services in this short video.
Switzerland's humanitarian aid plays an important role in natural disasters. It is about speed and overview, even in chaotic situations.
For many years T-LINK has been arranging the two containers from the traveling exhibition “ENDSTATION MEER” across Europe and overseas.
T-LINK has Always been customer-oriented and therefore outcome-oriented. T-LINK was comissioned to pack and Transport a complete, over 16m machinery to Moscow, Russia.