February 2020
Switzerland has the greatest innovative strength in the world. T-LINK organized a great SWISS Pavilion for its exhibitors. Watch the Swiss appearance in the video.
February 2020
Switzerland has the greatest innovative strength in the world. T-LINK organized a great SWISS Pavilion for its exhibitors. Watch the Swiss appearance in the video.
June 2020
At the request of several UN organizations, non-governmental organizations and the ICRC, Switzerland chartered a cargo plane. The aid transport to Venezuela was organized by T-LINK.
January 2020
The trade fair logistics company T-Link is offering the Swiss cleantech industry joint exhibition stands during the Abu Dhabi Sustainability Week. There she should demonstrate her performance.
"T-LINK ist für uns ein professioneller und zuverlässiger Speditionspartner für Messetransporte in die ganze Welt, den wir unseren Austellern gerne zur Zusammenarbeit vorschlagen."
Bettina Thomas
Head of Trade Fairs, Switzerland Global Enterprise
"Joining the Swiss Pavilion made a huge difference for us in visibility and helping us generate the digital content was a brilliant idea and excellent strategy to get us there. Everyone in your team was great."
Katiuska Molina-Luna
Technology Transfer Officer, NCCR Robotics
December 2020
From transporting, to packing at the Rhine port and loading onto the barge: follow our combined services in this short video.